Consulting for additive manufacturing
practical experience | manufacturer-neutral | cross-process
Hello, my name is Philipp Süß. I am your independent companion in additive manufacturing.
Philipp Konrad Süß
Mechanical Engineer M. Sc / Specialization Product Engineering
To use the disruptive power of additive manufacturing, you need more than vision and experience. You also have to be able to get things done!
Consulting and implementation in additive manufacturing
Design for Additive Manufacturing
Generative Design
3D structures
cost optimization
lightweight construction
Kosten- und Machbarkeitsbewertung
Business Case modeling
Verfahrens-, Maschinen- und Werkstoffauswahl
product development
production planning
integration into business processes
standards and norms
quality management
supplier qualification
Calibration and Optimization
maintenance and repair
Material Handling
Supporting Skills
project management
knowledge transfer
Project Manager and Key Account Manager at AM Service Provider
Additive Manufacturing Brought to Industry
research project 3D-printed spare parts
Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. | University of Duisburg-Essen
Specialization: Product Engineering
Material Models for Additive Manufacturing
I remember very well the moment when I stood in front of an additive manufacturing plant for the first time. At that time, the technology was still largely unknown to the general public and industry. So I was lucky that the university where I studied mechanical engineering had its own research department for additive manufacturing. The possibility of bringing new technical solutions directly from the idea into reality impressed me. I immediately understood that the practically limitless freedom of design would change our world.
While I was still studying, I developed methods for internal cooling channels and new material models for AM. At the same time, I worked for an AM service provider and gained a lot of practical experience in Design for AM (DfAM). I was later hired as a project manager and established additive manufacturing in many industrial companies.
I have repeatedly noticed that the full potential of technology is often not fully utilized due to a lack of know-how and experience.
From then on, I decided to provide practical and independent support to companies in additive manufacturing. At the same time, I set up an engineering office with Süß & friends that offers the all-important Design for AM (DfAM) as a service.
Mechanical Engineering B.Sc. | University of Duisburg-Essen
Post-processing processes for additively manufactured cooling channels
Early Days im Betrieb der Eltern
talks and expert discussions
Additive manufacturing brings unique advantages. I support you in the implementation of your projects.
Telephone: +49 (0) 208 - 3760 733 1
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© Philipp Süß Mülheim an der Ruhr 2023